This week, we figured out how to put our song lyrics up on the screen. And, we have a new backdrop. AND we’re using the portable podium Joe Costa made for us when we first began meeting as a church at the Arritolas’ back in 2009. God continues to bless in unexpected ways.
Love you all! We look forward to meeting together again with great anticipation. Until then, excel still more in meeting one another’s needs.
Behind the Scenes:
- A special thanks to Zach Spuur, who ran the console (and managed the song lyrics) while Ryan led songs.
- Next week we’re planning to use a better camera. One that’s intended for video and shoots in HD.
- Styrofoam cups work just as well for communion as the tiny clear plastic ones, but they don’t fit very well in the communion tray.
- Ryan set up the backdrop and lighting effects in Schiewes’ basement yesterday. Some of the effects didn’t work out, resulting in a burning smell and melted red plastic. The finished set had to be taken apart and reconstructed in the Event Center early this morning.
- For those who are interested to see what it looks like in the room, here are a couple of glimpses: